
The BMECP centre is a flagship building built as part of the New England Quarter development near Brighton Station.

The Centre which opened in 2010 supports a broad range of activities that are primarily designed to enable the Black and minority ethnic (BME) communities of Brighton and Hove to participate fully in the economic and social life of the city. At least 66% of the available floor space is given over to activities that support job-related training and enterprise development. BMECP has a good track record of working collaboratively in meeting the needs of BME communities. We have many volunteering opportunities available however, the current priority of the board is to:

Increase the overall occupancy of the centre, by promoting the facilities available

Increase the level of community and business engagement at the BMECP centre

Your role as a volunteer will greatly assist us in delivering these activities, by providing valuable ideas, support, and assistance. Through our volunteer programme, BMECP can offer you the chance to develop skills in the following areas:

  • Project management
  • Leadership
  • Report Writing
  • Marketing
  • Strategic Thinking

    Become a Trustee

    BMECP is seeking to recruit Trustees with appropriate skills to join the actual Board of Trustees.

    BMECP is a multipurpose organisation that provides infrastructure support to diverse BME community groups and organisations as well as providing key specialist services to the diverse BME communities, individuals and their families including refugee and asylum seeker communities. The BME communities and individuals are not a homogenous group they are very diverse with differing needs and sometimes competing priorities.Its governance is undertaken by a Board of Trustees representing BME communities. The day-to-day operations is carried out by a small team of staff and Volunteers.

    Specific Skill and Knowledge areas that we are looking for include the following:

    • Funding and fundraising
    • Financial procedures and systems
    • Quality assurance
    • Monitoring and evaluation
    • Marketing, publicity, PR
    • IT Skills and Social Media
    • Developing strategic plans (based upon mission and values) and Business Plans

    Additional Skills that we are looking for include the following:

    • Experience of, or an understanding of the charity sector to include best practices, relevant laws, and statutory requirements and Charity law.
    • Experience of successfully dealing with strategic issues, sound judgment and ability to handle competing priorities.
    • Capable of networking in support of BMECP objectives
    • Capable of writing reports to support the activities of the organisation and CO

    As a trustee, this position is voluntary and unpaid but ‘out- of- pocket’ expenses incurred whilst discharging the duties of BMECP Trustee will be reimbursed.

    BMECP is committed to Equal Opportunities and actively encourages applications from all sections of the Community.

    To apply to become a Trustee for the BMECP, Please contact us at or call for more information 0300 303 1171